Carry On, Warrior

There are days that feel like battles, and those days don't need the guilt of "someone has it worse than me". When I'm frustrated or overwhelmed, a chat about the 101 reasons I should appreciate my situation won't make me appreciate my situation; it just adds guilt to the list of the other inadequacies I'm already feeling.

Enter Glennon Doyle Melton:

This author of Carry On, Warrior not only coined the term "brutiful" (brutal + beautiful), she has begun an empowering movement to help all people, especially women,  embrace the difficulties in life and to stop pretending like they don't exist.

The picture above is a very candid revelation that models exactly what Glennon 'preaches': a facade on the outside is just that--a facade. What would happen if we got real with people?

I had the great fortune to attend an event showcasing Glennon's book, and her 'chat' was as real as everything she shares on her blog, Momastery.

I'm sure I will have more to share from this courageous woman, but there were two points that came from her speaking engagement that started the gears spinning for me. She said that many people ask her how to find their purpose in life, and in her own experience she found that:
  • Your passion is whatever you're envious of.
  • Your service is whatever breaks your heart.
 So, because I didn't even want to confront the first one, I hopped right over it and thought 'Yes! I like to volunteer! Let me think about the easy side of the coin where I get to focus in on something I'm already doing!'

But then I got real. When I was honest with myself about what I'm typically envious of, what I'm constantly berating and judging, inside or outside of myself, it was women writers.

I thought of every book, blog, article, and social media post that I sat back and thought 'Pssh.. I could do that better.' This envy had nothing to do with the quality of their writing, but it had EVERYTHING to do with my insecurities about putting myself out there...

Point Glennon.

Hence... my blog. It's taking all of those qualities I'm consistently envious of and raising them to the surface where they can easily be burned in the judgmental sun or grown into something beautiful. I'm doing my best to kick my 'snowball' issue one entry at a time--I've never enjoyed winter anyways!

This is just the tip of the iceberg with this incomparable lady. She's kicking butts and taking names, and she'd love to be your friend too. Her facebook posts always link to her blog, so that's a great place to start.

Self-reflection isn't always easiest, and it's DEFINITELY not just putting up a facade to make everyone else feel alone in this world (been there), but it's also not being Debbie Downer with a cloud over your head that everyone can see coming from a mile away (been there).

Perspective is everything, but it shouldn't be a sliding scale that we use to decide who has it worse. It should be a tool that allows us to have open hearts and open minds, because when we get too confident and judgmental, we forget...

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
               -Rev. John Watson

                           "Including you."
                                   -Glennon Doyle Melton

Carry On, Warriors


Glennon's Killer Book:


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