You're Never Going to FEEL Like Doing It.
Hello, Friends!
It has been some time since we shared this space together. How are you? Have you seen any improvements in your life, mood, relationships, or otherwise since we began this unexpected journey called Covid?
I've been busy reading and writing and reflecting; it's just that none of those thoughts have crossed my blog! Teaser: many of them will be coming your way... just not in blog form...
With spring break approaching, whether you're tied to education or not, my immediate thoughts run to the value of slowing down and getting back in touch with your own thoughts and needs.
And this leads me to the title of this post: "You're Never Going to FEEL Like Doing It."
Whoever led the charge on Nike's "Just Do It" campaign hit on something profound in those three little words. Exercise aside, there are so many options and opportunities in life that we want to try, start, and stop, but we tend to do one of two things to sabotage ourselves:
1. We wait until we feel like it.
2. We start with great motivation...until it wears off.
Whether you're waiting for a sign to get started or, like me, a self-starter who loses energy and/or focus, the common truth is that your feelings will ALWAYS override logic. I can list all the reasons why I need to start working out on a more regular basis, but it's so much easier to let my emotions steer the ship right off course with excuses--I don't have the time... I walked a lot at work today... I deserve that Heath Blizzard from Dairy Queen...
Each of us deserves a lot for the efforts we give. We just don't deserve the life we settle for in place of the life we know we could be living if we'd just "feel" like getting there.
Stop waiting for the feeling. Do it anyways.
Count down from 5, set an alarm, enlist a friend, but whatever you do, Just. Get. Started.
Then, celebrate the small successes... in mindful ways. Want to read those books on your shelf? Celebrate reading 10 pages a night by calling up a friend to talk about the book! Want to challenge yourself to reorganize that closet you've been avoiding? Celebrate clearing half of it by buying eye-catching bins or hangers that make it more fun.
It's spring! Nature is working hard around us, even when it doesn't feel like it, and we can too.
Here's to moving even when we're unmotivated,
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